
Galerie Snia Zannettacci - Genève - SUI

The gallery was opened in December 1980. Since then, we have been continuously active in organizing contemporary art exhibitions.
Our editorial line focuses on three important trends in European art:
New Realism
Figuration Narrative
Photography is also central to our philosophy.

Website : http://www.zannettacci.com/indexEN.shtml


Gallery Leda Fletcher - Genève - SUI

Chinese Cultural Background
Of Italian origin Leda Fletcher developed her interest in Chinese culture and language 36 years ago. After having taken the Diploma of ISMEO in Milan in 1973, Leda Fletcher continued her Chinese studies in London at Polytechnic of Central London where she also obtained A Level in Chinese Language and Culture. In London she also studied Chinese art at the Courses of SOAS PDF As she started to live in Geneva she followed for five years the University courses of Classical Chinese. She also went to China (Beijing)several times for study-purposes in the period 1986-1996.
In 1999 she opened the Gallery in Carouge-Geneva the first Gallery specialized in Chinese Contemporary art in Switzerland and one of the few in Europe. Since then Leda Fletcher tries to share with the public her passion of Chinese contemporary art and organizes solo and collective exhibitions all year round. Over the last 8 years she has organized more than 60 exhibitions of Chinese artists.The purpose is to introduce Chinese artists of different tendencies and using different media. The artists are all personally met by Leda Fletcher through regular trips to PR China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and European Countries were Chinese artists live.

Website : http://www.ledafletcher.com/homepage.php

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Galerie Daniel Varenne - Genève - SUI

The gallery, founded in Paris in 1959, is since 1978 established in Geneva.
Its principal focus is the presentation of an international group of modern and contemporary artists of the 20th century which includes paintings, drawings, sculptures and photographies.
The gallery suscribes to the highest standard of connoisseurship, scholarship and ethical practice, and offers an effective and confidential alternative for the resale of important works of art from and on behalf of private individuals and institutiuons.

Website : http://www.varenne.ch/home.html


Galerie Charlotte Moser - Genève - SUI

La galerie Charlotte Moser a pour orientation de présenter et de promouvoir l'art contemporain suisse, européen et international sur toutes ses formes et plus spécialement la peinture, la sculpture et la photographie. . Elle s'attache à exposer des artistes confirmés ainsi que de jeunes artistes. La plupart des artistes de la galerie ont déjà participé à des expositions dans des musées ou biennales importants et sont reconnus par la critique.

Website : http://www.galeriemoser.ch/


Galerie Skopia - Genève - SUI

La galerie Skopia a été fondée en février 1989 à Nyon par Pierre-Henri Jaccaud. Dès son origine, elle a travaillé avec une jeune génération d’artistes suisses, se signalant par un choix rigoureux et un grand nombre de “premières“. Depuis 1993, elle expose à la foire de Bâle.En 1994, elle déménage à Genève dans le quartier de la SIP, ancienne friche industrielle dont une partie des bâtiments est occupée par le Centre d’art contemporain et le Mamco. À partir de son programme initial, la galerie développe des contacts avec des artistes étrangers et suisses reconnus sur le plan international.

Website : http://www.skopia.ch/index-0-1.html


Galerie Lucy Mackintosh - Lausanne - SUI

The gallery is situated at 7 avenue des Acacias, Lausanne, at the former site of the Architecture Department of the EPFL.The gallery features contemporary art from Swiss and international artists; it provides a showcase for their work and a supportive environment for their individual and collective vision.The architects Décosterd & Rahm were invited to create the interior to meet the brief of ‘white canvas’, thus redefining the norms of contemporary gallery space.

Website : http://www.lucymackintosh.ch/plan.php


Galerie Alice Pauli - Lausanne - SUI

Dès son ouverture en 1962, la Galerie Alice Pauli poursuit un double objectif. Elle n'a cessé, d'une part, de manifester son attachement à un certain patrimoine artistique et d'autre part, elle n'a jamais renoncé à sa mission de découvrir de nouveaux talents et ensuite d'assurer leur promotion en Suisse et à l'extérieur des frontières, ce travail sur le rayonnement de l'oeuvre s'effectuant principalement dans les foires internationales (Bâle et Paris) et aussi en collaborant avec de nombreux Musées en Suisse et à l'étranger.
La Galerie a forgé son identité dans les années soixante avec des artistes peu ou pas du tout exposés en Suisse à cette époque : Magdalena Abakanowicz, Julius Bissier, Roger Bissière, Jean Dubuffet, Sam Francis, Jean Lecoultre, Alicia Penalba, Emil Schumacher, Louis Soutter, Arpad Szenes, Tapiès, Mark Tobey et Vieira da Silva, etc...

Website : http://www.galeriealicepauli.ch/index.html


Gallery Leda Fletcher - Genève - SUI

Chinese Cultural Background
Of Italian origin Leda Fletcher developed her interest in Chinese culture and language 36 years ago. After having taken the Diploma of ISMEO in Milan in 1973, Leda Fletcher continued her Chinese studies in London at Polytechnic of Central London where she also obtained A Level in Chinese Language and Culture. In London she also studied Chinese art at the Courses of SOAS PDF As she started to live in Geneva she followed for five years the University courses of Classical Chinese. She also went to China (Beijing)several times for study-purposes in the period 1986-1996.
In 1999 she opened the Gallery in Carouge-Geneva the first Gallery specialized in Chinese Contemporary art in Switzerland and one of the few in Europe. Since then Leda Fletcher tries to share with the public her passion of Chinese contemporary art and organizes solo and collective exhibitions all year round. Over the last 8 years she has organized more than 60 exhibitions of Chinese artists.The purpose is to introduce Chinese artists of different tendencies and using different media. The artists are all personally met by Leda Fletcher through regular trips to PR China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and European Countries were Chinese artists live.

Website : http://www.ledafletcher.com/homepage.php


Ex-Machina - Genève - SUI

Ex-Machina est un lieu pluriel géré par cinq passionnés de culture sans frontière dans les genres. Cet espace se consacre aux arts contemporains en proposant des expositions bimestrielles et ponctuellement des événements artistiques tels que performances, lectures, projections et autres manifestations culturelles.

Website : http://www.ex-machina.ch/#


Espace Kugler - Genève - SUI

Utilisant la vitrine de l'ancienne usine kugler, l'espace kugler se veut un espace d'expérimentation avec une priorité pour la jeune création de la région genevoise. Chaque projet permet, dans ce petit espace visible de jour comme de nuit, de développer un point de vue particulier du travail des artistes.
Il est demandé à chaque artiste de penser à un évènement spécifique pour le vernissage de façon à donner un éclairage différent de son travail ou simplement de le poursuivre d'une autre manière le temps d'une soirée.
L'espace kugler est un lieu d'exposition autogéré et autofinancé, il bénéficie du soutien généreux d'act-art en ce qui concerne l'occupation du lieu. Son équipe actuelle est constituée de 8 personnes. Leur point commun: être actives et actifs à différents titres dans le domaine de l'art avec une volonté de soutenir des projets, d'offrir aux artistes une carte blanche et un espace d'exposition"tramplin".
Ce n'est pas moins de 27 expositions et une cinquantaine d'artistes qui sont passés dans les 30 m2 de l'espace kugler depuis son ouverture.

Website : http://www.espacekugler.ch/indexmenu.html


Patrick Cramer - Genève - SUI

Patrick Cramer écrit et édite des livres de références, des catalogues raisonnés et des catalogues d'expositions d'œuvres créées par des artistes du 20ème siècle.
En plus de son activité d'auteur et d'éditeur, Patrick Cramer dirige une galerie d'art où il présente des œuvres d'artistes contemporains.
Vous pouvez découvrir les livres édités par Patrick Cramer Éditeur ou les artistes présentés à la Galerie Patrick Cramer.

Website : http://www.cramer.ch/1-modern-art/f/index.php


BFAS Blondeau Fine Art Servives - Genève - SUI

After 20 years experience in the international-auction world in Paris, New York and Los Angeles, in 1987 Marc Blondeau resigned as chairman of Sotheby's France to open the first international consultancy working in the field of fine art of the 19th and 20th-century. He focuses on painting, drawing and sculptures by major artists from 1820 till the present day.
In 2000, he moved from Paris to Geneva, to the new premises of BFAS Blondeau Fine Art Services located in a converted early 20th-century factory-building at 5 rue de la Muse, in the heart of the lively "Quartier des Bains".
Through our knowledge, experience and networks in the art market, we are able to confidentially offer works of art (mainly from private sources) to collectors and institutions, while our position as independent consultants allows us to guide and assist our clientele in acquisitions at auction or from major international galleries.
We also offer services and assistance relating to the management of collections, such as exhibition loans, shipping, storage and insurance.

Website : http://www.bfasblondeau.com/


Galerie Bel-Air Fine Art - Genève - SUI

Collectionneur passionné, galeriste et marchand d’art international depuis 30 ans, François CHABANIAN a ouvert en 2004 une importante galerie d’art dans le quartier des banques de Genève, la GALERIE BEL-AIR FINE ART, ainsi que le plus grand espace de Saint-Tropez, la GALERIE DES LICES, consacré à l’art contemporain dont il a confié la direction à son fils Grégory.
Y sont exposés en permanence une collection de peintures et sculptures de maîtres modernes et contemporains tels que BRAQUE, DALI, ARMAN, KLEIN, CESAR, BOTERO, HIQUILY, POLLES, PATICK HUGHES, CORDA, BORGHI, etc.. ainsi que d’artistes confirmés tels que SPORTES, INIS, CIPRE DöRING, TOLLA, BOMBARDIERI etc.

Website : http://www.belairfineart.com/pages/galerie.php?langue=fr


Analix Forever - Genève - SUI

Analix Forever est une galerie spécialisée dans l’art contemporain, avec une priorité accordée aux jeunes créateurs. Analix Forever est aussi un lieu où les artistes se rencontrent, où l’on discute et écrit sur l’art, un lieu où les frontières entre l’art, le travail, la beauté, la mode, la communication, sont constamment réévaluées. La galerie a été fondée à Genève en 1991. Depuis près de 20 ans d’activité, Analix Forever continue à promouvoir des créations avant-gardistes internationales et suisses. Des artistes comme Stefano Arienti, Vanessa Beecroft, Maurizio Cattelan, Martin Creed, Mat Collishaw, Tracey Emin, Sarah Lucas, Victor Man, Daria Martin ou Gianni Motti ont exposé au début de leur carrière à Analix Forever. Dans sa mission de soutien des jeunes artistes, Analix Forever propose également son espace pour des résidences artistiques.

Website : http://www.analix-forever.com/


Galerie Madonna Fust - Bern - SUI

Die Galerie MADONNA#FUST ist aus Leidenschaft zur Kunst entstanden und will als Plattform für zeitgenössische Kunst wahrgenommen werden. Das Galerieprogramm konzentriert sich sowohl auf international und national anerkannte Künstlerinnen und Künstler als auch auf neue, weniger bekannte Positionen. Die ausgestellten Werke nehmen aktuelle, gesellschaftliche und kulturpolitische Fragen auf. Sie wollen aufrütteln, provozieren, unterstreichen, Reaktionen auslösen, Blickwinkel verschieben, Neues entdecken lassen und Konventionen in Frage stellen. Die Galerie MADONNA#FUST wendet sich an ein regionales, nationales aber auch internationales Publikum und will künftig an wichtigen Messen weltweit teilnehmen.

Website : http://www.madonnafust.ch/index.php?id=de-root


Galerie Margit Haldeman - Bern - SUI

Gegründet 1981 in Burgdorf, ab 1986 in Bern, seit 1996 in den loftartigen Räumen (150 m² auf 2 Etagen) in der Altstadt, Nähe Rathaus (Zugang von Brunngasse und Brunngasshalde).
Programm : Schweizerische und internationale zeitgenössische Kunst mit Schwerpunkt Malerei, Zeichnung, Skulptur und Installationen. Im Lager steht permanent eine grosse Auswahl von Werken der Künstlerinnen und Künstler der Galerie bereit.

Website : http://www.galeriehaldemann.ch/index.php?id=7


Canadian Arctic Gallery - Basel - SUI

CANADIAN ARCTIC GALLERY was founded in 1999 with the goal of promoting 'Contemporary Inuit Art from Canada' in Switzerland and Europe. The gallery is specializing in only the highest quality works of Inuit Art by internationally renowned artists as well as some of the more talented younger artists. Artworks made by artists, that we carry can be found in the most important Canadian museums as well as in international known collections.

Website : http://www.canadian-arctic.ch/cms/


Galerie Am Spalenberg - Basel -SUI

Die Galerie Am Spalenberg konzentriert sich auf Grafik der klassischen Moderne und Original Künstler-Plakate von 1935 - 1970.

Website : http://www.galerie-am-spalenberg.com/de/home.html


Galerie Beyeler - Basel - SUI

The Galerie Beyeler's success story began over 60 years ago. It mirrors the life of Ernst Beyeler, who was born in Basel in 1921, the son of a railway worker. After leaving school, where he obtained a diploma in commercial studies, he attended university lectures in both art history and economics, while simultaneously working for Oskar Schloss, who ran an antiquarian book and print shop at Bäumleingasse 9. When Schloss died unexpectedly in 1945, Ernst Beyeler, who had by then gained some experience in the field, decided to carry on the business for Schloss's heirs. Just two years later, the gallery staged its first exhibition of Japanese woodcuts, which was soon followed by others. In 1951 the antiquarian bookshop was wound up and only the art gallery, which concentrated mainly on classic modern art and which organised exhibitions almost non-stop, remained in business. Due to the steady growth in its activities, the gallery subsequently took over an additional floor in the building as well as various storerooms.
Thanks to his excellent negotiating skills and his readiness to take risks, Ernst Beyeler was able to make major acquisitions from the Thompson Collection, including works by artists such as Klee, Cézanne, Monet, Matisse and Giacometti. Ernst Beyeler also had the good fortune to get to know Pablo Picasso personally, as a result of which he was able to select various works from among those in the artist's possession. In the course of its existence, the Galerie Beyeler has held more than 300 exhibitions, most of them of classic modern works. In the early 1980s it organised two major international exhibitions outside the gallery: "Sculpture in the 20th Century" in the Wenken Park in Riehen und in the Merian Park in Basel.
In parallel to their activities as gallery owners, Ernst and Hildy Beyeler built up a private collection of works that they liked so much they wanted to keep them.
The first time their private collection was placed on public display was in 1989 at the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid. It was then shown at other exhibitions, in Berlin in Sydney and in Japan. Since 1997 the Beyeler Collection has been housed in the Fondation Beyeler, a public museum designed by the famous architect Renzo Piano that is located in Riehen on the outskirts of Basel.
Despite the existence of the museum, Ernst Beyeler continues to run the Galerie Beyeler. It is still located at Bäumleingasse 9, where everything first began.

Website : http://www.galeriebeyeler.com/index.php

FIC123.BE een website met info en cultuur.


Galerie Ficher Rohr - Basel - SUI

A new gallery in Basel opened its doors two years ago with an exhibition showing the works of Romero Britto, a great Brazilian artist. The gallery's philosophy is to work mainly with famous contemporary Latin American artists and also to support young talents. Due to Rita Ficher's activity in the art business, she was able to apply her knowledge and experience at the Bienal of São Paulo and has become an important promoter for contemporary Latin American art in Basel.

Website : http://www.ficherrohr.ch/index.html


Gallery Guillaume Daeppen - Basel - SUI

GUILLAUME DAEPPEN is located in the city of Basel, Switzerland. It shows emerging artists and exhibits works in a variety of media with an emphasis on works on paper, installations and photography.
Since 2006 the gallery focus on a generation of young artists working essentially with new medias and comprises Damien Comment (Swiss), Hilde Kentane (Belgian), Christophe Lambert (Swiss), Jean-Xavier Renaud (French) and Luca Schenardi (Swiss).
With the show BORN TO BE PUNK the gallery confirms his new direction and continues to develop his programm and to question the concept White Cube, Street, Urban or Guerilla Art as well the relation between art, fashion, graphic, design, internet and photography.
Actually GUILLAUME DAEPPEN presents about 6 exhibitions each year. It is not possible to react to new impulses in a short time. For this reason we have decided to split the gallery spaces in two different programs:
GALLERY FOR EMERGING ARTISTS developing and coaching a programm of young artists on a long term basis.
COUP DE COEUR # an off space for art | design | fashion | architecture open to new projects on a quarterly program basis.

Website : http://www.gallery-daeppen.com/index.php


Daniel Blaise Thorens Fine Art Gallery - Basel - SUI

Our company was incorporated in 1976 by Daniel Blaise Thorens, who is still the sole owner. The gallery started with important projects and exhibited work by famous Swiss artists as Cuno Amiet, Albert Anker, Giovanni Giacometti, Ferdinand Hodler and Alfred Heinrich Pellegrini. Works by world famous artists such as Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, Kees van Dongen, Edvard Munch, Alexej Jawlensky and Paul Gauguin were also exhibited by our gallery.
In 1982 Daniel Blaise Thorens met his future wife, Finnish born Riitta Thorens-Hietanen. She came from Finland to Basel to study art history at the University of Basel, where she graduated with an essay on "Le Corbusier as a painter". In 1987 our gallery began to purchase original works by Le Corbusier, and thereafter many exhibitions all over the world contained works by Le Corbusier owned by our gallery. We can claim, without any exaggeration, to have become one of the principal galleries for Le Corbusier's works, underlined by the fact that we have sold 1,700 works by Le Corbusier in one single decade.
Our company is the only gallery dealing in works by Alfred Heinrich Pellegrini (the grandfather of Daniel Blaise Thorens), one of the leading and most successful Swiss artists of the 20th century.
Further, we exhibit the works of many well known Swiss artists such as Anne Bruchesi, Luciano Castelli, Rosemonde Krbec, Christian Peltenburg-Brechneff, Walter Ropélé or international artists including Kamel Berkouk, Barbara Feuerbach and Noverre.
One of the highlights of our activities was a very special exhibition of David Bowie's visual art in our gallery in 1996. The exhibition did not only attract the attention of the public and the media, it also turned out to be a huge success with collectors, who bought almost all of the works displayed by our gallery. We are proud to say that as a result of our exhibition, David Bowie's visual art work has become a widely appreciated part of many important art collections all over the world.

Website : http://www.thorens-gallery.com/index2.htm