
Onishi Gallery - New York - USA

Onishi Gallery presents con­tem­po­rary works by artists from Japan and from other Asian nations. Founder Nana Onishi worked as a cura­tor in Japan, Italy, and New York before launch­ing the gallery in Chelsea in 2005. Onishi Gallery has fast become a favored a venue for encoun­ter­ing con­tem­po­rary art of vis­i­bly Asian roots. Its exhi­bi­tions span a diver­sity of media, includ­ing new explo­rations in tra­di­tional art forms, as well as ambi­tious exper­i­men­ta­tion in new formats.

Activ­ity by Onishi Gallery in pro­mot­ing inter­na­tional artis­tic exchange tran­scends the gallery’s Chelsea loca­tion and embraces the New York com­mu­nity. The gallery works closely, for instance, with the New York–based Japan Soci­ety. It also col­lab­o­rates in exhi­bi­tions and in other under­tak­ings with the United Nations Staff Recre­ation Council’s Friend­ship Club, with the Kyoto Cul­ture Asso­ci­a­tion, and with other partners.

Although indis­putably con­tem­po­rary and rel­e­vant in the art world today, the artists rep­re­sented by Onishi Gallery embrace tra­di­tions, both in terms of prac­tice and process. It is a meld­ing of past and present, which makes the art­work so dynamic and his­tor­i­cally rich. Keep­ing with the theme of merg­ing the tra­di­tional with the novel, the col­lab­o­ra­tion between the Musée du Lou­vre and Dai Nip­pon Print­ing strives to study the art­work of mas­ters using a fresh approach, uti­liz­ing highly inno­v­a­tive tech­nol­ogy. The recent exhi­bi­tion, Canon’s Mixed Real­ity Tech­nol­ogy, also show­cases the results of forward-thinking minds, as noth­ing of it’s kind is even on the mar­ket yet.

Onishi Gallery’s artists are rep­re­sented in the per­ma­nent col­lec­tions of many major muse­ums includ­ing the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Museum of Art, the British Museum and the Smith­son­ian Institution.

Website : http://onishigallery.com/

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