
Fondation Jean Luc Lagardère

An engineer by training (Supélec, 1951), Jean-Luc Lagardère was a champion. He approached life like an athlete, with passion, determination, focus and rigour in his work. As an athlete, he accepted defeat – but never twice for the same reason. Mr. Lagardère was a man who valued dialogue. He did not rule by decree, but made decisions after lengthy discussion and, once a decision was made, he delegated responsibility with full confidence.
Mr. Lagardère had a profound sense of connection with other people. He put constant emphasis on team spirit, convinced that a woman or man could not change things in isolation. “The grandeur of a profession resides, above all, in the unity of its people,” he said, quoting French writer Antoine de Saint Exupéry. The same conviction underlay his attachment to the Foundation. Supporting young talent and helping vulnerable populations was, for Mr. Lagardère, a true imperative.

Website : http://www.fondation-lagardere.com/1000i/Fondation-Lagardere-en.html