
Emanuel Von Baeyer - London - United Kingdom

Emanuel von Baeyer London was founded in 1998 and has since been firmly established as a leading representative of the younger generation of old master dealers. Emanuel von Baeyer deals principally in fine European drawings, rare prints and selected paintings from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries.

Emanuel von Baeyer conducts his business from an office in St Johns Wood, London, where he is always glad to receive visitors by appointment. His clientele includes older and younger generations of private collectors, art historians and museum curators from institutions around the world. He is now widely recognized as an innovative dealer within his field and has published numerous specialist sales catalogues. His activities are regularly featured in the international press. He has provided expert opinion for private individuals and for legal purposes, and is happy to act on a client's behalf on purchases and other matters. The company is sensitive to the issue of restitution and its implications.

Website : http://www.evbaeyer.com/index.html

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